
The Lazy Donkey - Moral Story for Kids | Short Story

Short Story


In a small village, there was a donkey named Ben. He was known for being the laziest donkey in the village. He spent his days lying in the sun and sleeping, while the other animals worked hard in the fields.

Chapter 1: The Complaints

One day, the other animals in the village had enough of Ben's laziness. They complained to the farmer, who owned Ben, that they were tired of doing all the work while Ben did nothing. The farmer listened to their complaints and decided to teach Ben a lesson.

Chapter 2: The Work Begins

The next day, the farmer took Ben to the fields and put him to work. Ben didn't want to work, and he tried to run away, but the farmer wouldn't let him. He made Ben carry heavy loads of hay, water, and wood.

Chapter 3: The Change

After a few days of hard work, Ben started to change. He realized that working wasn't so bad after all. He felt stronger and more useful. He even started to enjoy the work and the company of the other animals.

Chapter 4: The Rewards

The farmer noticed the change in Ben and was proud of him. He rewarded Ben with a special treat, an extra serving of hay, and some carrots. The other animals also noticed the change in Ben and were happy to see him being useful.

Chapter 5: The Lesson Learned

Ben learned that working hard can bring rewards and satisfaction. He also learned that being lazy is not a good thing and that it's important to contribute and help others. From that day on, Ben became a hard-working donkey, and he was respected and loved by all the animals in the village.


Ben learned an important lesson about the value of hard work and being useful. He also learned that being lazy can have consequences. The end.

Language and Style:

The language used in the book will be simple and easy to understand, using short sentences and common words. The vocabulary will be appropriate for young children ages 4-8, with some new words introduced for educational purposes. The story will be told in the third person, with an engaging and conversational tone. The illustrations will be colorful and fun, adding to the overall charm of the book. The story will be both entertaining and educational, teaching children about the importance of hard work, the value of being useful, and the consequences of laziness.

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