
The Greedy Crow - Moral Story for Kids | Short Story

Short Story


Once upon a time, in a lush green forest, there lived a crow. He was known for his greedy nature and always wanted more than what he had. He would steal food from other animals and was never satisfied. One day, he learned a valuable lesson about the consequences of his greed.

Chapter 1: The Feast

One morning, the crow saw a beautiful piece of bread lying on the ground. He quickly swooped down and picked it up, feeling excited about the feast he was about to enjoy. But as he flew away, he saw a group of ants carrying a huge feast of their own. The crow's eyes lit up with greed and he decided to steal their food.

Chapter 2: The Trap

The ants saw the crow coming and quickly came up with a plan. They placed a small stick in the path of the crow, which he didn't see. As he flew over it, the stick got caught in his beak, and he fell to the ground. The ants then attacked him with their tiny bites, and the crow realized that he had made a big mistake.

Chapter 3: The Lesson

The crow realized that his greed had led him to this unfortunate situation. He begged for mercy from the ants and promised never to be greedy again. The ants forgave him, and the crow flew away, feeling humbled and grateful for the lesson he had learned.

Chapter 4: The Change

From that day on, the crow changed his ways. He no longer stole from others and was content with what he had. He started to share his food with other animals and became known for his generosity.

Chapter 5: The Reward

The other animals in the forest noticed the crow's changed behavior and praised him for it. They rewarded him with their own gifts, and the crow felt happy and fulfilled. He realized that true happiness comes from giving, not from taking.


The greedy crow learned an important lesson about the consequences of his actions and the value of generosity. He realized that greed only leads to trouble, and that being content with what we have is the key to happiness. The story teaches young children about the dangers of greed and the importance of being grateful and kind to others.

Language and Style:

The language used in the book will be simple and easy to understand, using short sentences and common words. The vocabulary will be appropriate for young children ages 4-8, with some new words introduced for educational purposes. The story will be told in the third person, with an engaging and conversational tone. The illustrations will be colorful and fun, adding to the overall charm of the book. The story will be both entertaining and educational, teaching children about the dangers of greed and the value of generosity.

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